
Annual Report SSB 2022
Activiteitenverslag yayasan 2020
Activiteitenverslag Yayasan 2019

Annual reports

Yayasan Stepping Stones Bali writes a yearly report on our activities and work.

Annual reports

Yayasan Stepping Stones Bali writes a yearly report on our activities and work.

Annual Report SSB 2022
Activiteitenverslag yayasan 2020
Activiteitenverslag Yayasan 2019


Unfortunately, all our newsletters are still only available in Dutch. From 2024 and forwards our newsflashes are available in English.

You can subscribe to our newsflashes by filling in the form below.

If you still want to read our Dutch newsletters, they are available on this page.

We also published a diary series of Putu Eleena, who was born with a clubfoot, and a diary series of midwives. Unfortunately, these diaries are currently also only available in Dutch.